ESD Antistatic Wrist Strap Tester

ESD Antistatic Wrist Strap Tester

Product Description:

ZE102 ESD Wrist Strap Tester ESD Wrist Strap Tester is designed for fast, frequent testing of ESD wrist straps.

It is very simple to operate.

A green light signals the user that everything is OK. A red light and an audible indicator mean that the circuit resistance is either too low or too high.

ESD Wrist Strap is the first lines of defense against electrostatic charge build up on the human body. They are designed to carry away this charge as soon as it is generated.

At the same time the wrist strap or footwear must remain electrically safe for the user. Thus, it is important to test every wrist strap regularly.

In order to protect sensitive electronic components, the maximum wrist strap resistance should not be more than 10 MΩ.

On the other hand, the path to ground resistance should not be less than 0.75 MΩ as protection to the wearer from dangerous levels of voltage and current flow.

The ESD Wrist Strap Tester checks these parameters under actual operating conditions with the strap on the wrist.

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